How to Hire the Right Team in Q2


February 20, 2021


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Business, Business

Q2 is vastly approaching and more and more I have been receiving questions from CEOs on how to build their dream team and what they need to do to ensure they’re making the right hires.  

As some of you already know, I am passionate and inspired about ultimately helping women CEOs to scale to 7 figures with ease by eliminating grind culture and building streamlined processes within their businesses so they can reclaim that time and freedom.

I often talk about my get ahead process, wherein I teach you how to get ahead in business. I’ll go through it quickly before moving on to the second step of the process, which is the focus of our discussion today, hiring.

Automation is the first step in my get ahead process. As already noted, the second step is hiring. Then we move on to the next step, which is to elevate the team. The fourth step is to alleviate any friction or pain points, challenges, or bottlenecks so that you can quickly and effectively delegate within your business. So I’m all about showing you how to automate, hire, elevate, alleviate, and delegate your way to 7 figures and gaining the time and freedom that comes with it.

But, in terms of the hiring process, what would it take to hit the 7-figure threshold in 2021? First and foremost. You must stop thinking about your company as a hobby or an interest. Stop treating the company and recruiting process casually or taking both for granted.

Out of my vast and varied experiences in marketing, human resources, business development, professional development, and core development, one of the things I’ve learned specifically regarding the hiring process is that there are several essential steps that happened before a new employee was brought in.

This brings us to the most common hiring mistake: not having a defined hiring process in place. This is what I’ll be addressing today and stressing the value of. I want to be certain that you are all prepared to hire your dream team. Your dream team is made up of people who genuinely appreciate and believe in your business’ mission, vision, and values. I believe that one of the reasons for these mistakes is that we had changed from the corporate world, our 9-5 careers, to working from home. We used to uphold and obey the corporate world’s processes, practices, and guidelines. However, as we transitioned to working from home, we seem to have abandoned much of these corporate practices and regular protocols, such as the hiring process.

Some CEOs say that their employees just don’t get it, that they don’t understand why something is important to the company. Interestingly, ask yourself if you clearly explained it to these employees. Did you clarify to them how important it is for them to complete the task(s)? What are the roles and responsibilities, and how they significantly impact the company’s overall mission and performance?

When you’re hiring for any position, here are a few things you should start doing: 

  1.  Set out the responsibilities of that position in your company. Who is the person in charge of that position? Are there any key performance indicators (KPIs) in place? Create a job description that details exactly what you require and expect from the role. Determine who this role reports to, what tasks you’ll delegate, and what KPIs you’ll set up from the start. These must be transparent to you, the CEO, in order for the person you are recruiting to understand them.
  2. As the CEO, you must make a list of the things you love about the business, a list of the things you hate about it, and a list of the things you tolerate in doing the business as you build your job description. We want it to be explicit so you can clear your plate, be rid of things you despise or tolerate, and spend the majority of your time doing things that are within your genius zone. When you don’t take the time to do these, you’ll find yourself in situations where you’re the CEO one minute and doing assistant duties the next, or the CEO one minute and customer support the next.

As we move into the second quarter, you must be intentional about how you scale your business. You’ll need a team to properly do that, you cannot do it all on your own. And who you hire, how you hire, and when you hire are all critical aspects in your business’ growth. So repeatedly, I want to emphasize the importance of being intentional in your hiring process.

As a bonus, I’ll give you an important tip: make sure you have an open-door policy so that everyone on your team can quickly and freely communicate if they’re experiencing difficulties with anything at work. It may be in a weekly leadership meeting, a weekly or bi-monthly one-on-one meeting, or any other format you choose as long as the team is able to communicate the challenges they are facing so that changes can be made as quickly as possible.

Getting to seven figures is difficult, but it does not have to be draining or causing you burnout. Understanding this is why I created the The Scale Strategy Lab to not only help you to hire your dream team but to have the tools and resources to effectively scale.

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